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How did they come up with Luke's (Anakin's original) Light-sabre?

Would you believe that Luke Skywalkers origina ligthsaber in Episodes IV and V is not an elaborately design piece of props but rather it was improvised from an old Camera Flash Handle known then as Graflex 3-Cell?

Many of the props used in the original Star Wars movies (especially A New Hope) were put together the old fashioned way. Not by CGI, not by first going through a design team but by the prop guys looking around for
inspiration. They found inspiration for Luke and Vader's Lightsabers in 1940's press camera flashes.

Graflex 3 - Inspiration for Luke's Lightsaber

The Graflex 3 cell camera flash was made in Rochester in the US. (The 3-Cell Graflex Flashgun handle that everyone is seeking can be found rather easily. The only problem, is that they cost an arm and a leg to purchase. Original handles from camera shops around the nation (USA)have a price tag of 225 to 400 dollars depending on their condition. Cess Camera in Wayne, New Jersey sells replica Graflex handles, yet they too are 200 dollars. It appears to me that if one desires one they are going to pay for it.)

Graflex 3 Flash Handle Lukes on-screen Graflex lightsaber
Graflex 3 Flash Handle as it was in the 40's Lukes on-screen Graflex lightsaber
Lukes on-screen Graflex lightsaber Lukes on-screen Graflex lightsaber

But, come Episode III: Revenged of the Sith - they did enhancements to the original that was shown in the new hope - but still very reminisent of the original Graflex 3 cell camera flash.

Anakins Lightsabers - Episode 3
Anakin's Episode 3 lightsaber hilt (above) compare
with Luke's original Graflex 3 built lightsaber hilt (below).

Lukes Original lightsaber

Lightsabers were created for the movie STARWARS by George Lucas, © LucasFilm Ltd. © 1999-2006 by IMAGINITY